Mohamed Rabie Abdel-Zaher Abdel Muttalib

assistant teacher

Basic Informations


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Mohamed Rabie Abdel-Zaher Abdel Muttalib


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Date of birth:

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????? ?????- ??????? - ??? ????

El Nour - El Wasta - Beni Suef Gezeret

Place of Birth

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Human Geography

General Specialization

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Regional Planning


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? 0822535219

Phone number

??? ???????? : È


? 01014447550

Mobile number:

?????? ?????????? -

E - mail

Master Title

Regional Planning of Suez Canal Governorates (A Geographical Study)

Master Abstract

Abstract The present study investigates Regional Planning (Geographical study) of Suez Canal governorates. Most importantly, the study is also divided into five chapters proceeded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion. The introduction highlights study objectives, review of literature, and study approach. ? The First Chapter sheds light on all natural geographical factors that impact the regional planning of the study region by analyzing the location and its spatial relation, and an analytical study of the geological and climatic features of the region. ? The Second Chapter investigates the population of the study area including their growth, migration indices, and their distribution relying on the 2017 census. By the end of this chapter . ? The Third Chapter traces all economic components of Suez governorates by studying the agricultural components like cultivated area, the crop structure, the agricultural reclamation projects, and fish and animal resources. This chapter also highlights industrial components of mineral resources, natural gas fields and tourism components like tourist attractions, villages, tourist beaches, and finally the transportation systems as maritime transport where the Suez Canal and its ports play an important part. ? The Fourth Chapter analyses the land cover in the region by investigating space visualizations from 1990 to 2016. The use of these lands were examined in the study area in addition to an analytical study of theses governorates separately. Education, Infrastructure, health and other services were covered in the present chapter. ? The Fifth Chapter analyses the proposed regional planning of Suez governorates. the study is concluded with an analysis of these areas that are suitable for regional planning, , then population planning, urban and residential planning, and economic planning including agricultural, industrial and tourism planning, transportation planning and logistics planning, Finally, Service planning is also covered including future needs of all the services in the study area until 2027. ? Conclusion comes up with the study results, objectives, recommendations and further studies.

PHD Title

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PHD Abstract

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