Basic Informations
Name: : Hanaa Khalifa Mohamed Eid
Address: El-Fayoum Street
Phone Number: 01069817390
Birthday: 23/1/1992
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion: Mouslim
Educational Qualification
Master in English Literature
Current Job: Teaching Assistant
Master Title
Gender Roles: A Feminist Reading To Selected Poems by Maya Angelou
Master Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and critically evaluate the main themes of the illustrious figure and poet Maya Angelou. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The introduction enables the reader to get a grasp of what thesis will include, focusing on the upcoming chapters and purpose of the research and methodology. The first chapter introduces Angelou in a biographic form, depicting her turbulent life through the prevalent themes of childhood and racism. Chapter two establishes a theoretical framework upon which the thesis is written, introducing the theories of feminism and gender. The third chapter aims to portray the abhorrent conditions African American females found themselves in due to large parts of the country being dominated by white supremacy. Chapter four analyzes in detail the themes of Sexism and Racism as these are particularly prevalent themes in both Angelou’s poetry and life. In addition, the historical background of her ancestorial heritage is examined, illustrating the fight against racism and social injustice that all generations have experienced. Finally, the conclusion will summarize the findings of the essay, briefly illustrating the impact of Angelou as both a poet and an individual.
PHD Title
PHD Abstract