: Yousef Ayman Gamil Yousef


Basic Informations


Name: Yousef  Ayman Gamil Yousef
Date of Birth: 11/5/1991
Mobil: 01225520157-01277183027
E-Mail: Yousef.Ayman@art.bsu.edu.eg
Address: Mustafa Street, Hamaraya, East of The Nile, Beni-Suef.
Identification Number: 29105112201055
Martial State: Married
Military Service: Final immunity
- License of Arts, Faculty Beni-Suef University (2008-2012) Geography department, very good value.
- General education diploma, faculty of education Beni-Suef University (2013), very good value.
- Course of Human Development in of (ICNLP) (N. L. P Diploma).
-Technical writing for Scientific research.
Certificate ICDL  - 
TOFEL Certificate - 
Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate . -
Integrity, transparency and anti-corruption-
The Credit Hour System-
Effective Presentation Skills-
-Strategic Planning
 Research Team Management- 

Master Title

Rural –Urban Continuum of Beni-Suef City During the Period (1986 – 2022 AD) A Study in Geography of Settlement "

Master Abstract

Rural –Urban Continuum of Beni-Suef City During the Period (1986 – 2022 AD) A Study in Geography of Settlement " " Prepared by: Yousef Ayman Gamil Yousef Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ali Abdou Ali Agrama Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abd El Rahman Sayed The study deals with the area of the rural-urban Continuum of Beni Suef city during the period (1986– 2022 AD) a study in the geography of settlement, The Continuum area is that area that surrounds the city and is located on its periphery, between the city and the adjacent countryside, it is a mainly rural area to which urban uses have moved and penetrated the city with its modern arms, and it also considered as the link between the city and the countryside. The main objective of the study is to identify rural-urban Continuum of Beni Suef city and study the distinctive characteristics of this area in terms of physical and human features, population, geographical distribution of the villages of the area, analyze patterns of geospatial distributions, and identify the characteristics of Housing. Finally, the most important problems plaguing the rural-urban Continuum are identified and tried to develop a set of mechanisms to deal with these problems, so that the rural-urban Continuum area of the city achieves self- sufficiency in settlement, economic, service, social and behavior, as well as reforming multiple aspects of the imbalance in the rural system within the study area and upgrading the settlement environment and physical aspects and the settlement layout of the villages, and so that those villages also become ready for the administrative annexation of the city without being a burden or pressure on the city. The study came in six chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion, the introduction included the study terms, the location of the study area, the reasons for choosing the topic, objectives and questions, literature review of previous studies, study approaches and methods, sources of study, study difficulties, and study contents. Chapter I deals with the determination boundaries of the rural-urban Continuum of the Beni Suef city, based on some statistical methods such as interaction theory and the breaking point theory. In addition to relying on some other foundations and standards such as economic Indecators, which include (percentage of workers in agricultural activity, the percentage of vegetable area, the percentage of clover area) , population Indicators, which were represented by (net population density, annual population growth rate during the census period (2006, 2017 AD), daily journey to work, illiteracy rate), settlement Indicators, which include (settlement density, percentage of connection to the utility network, average residential units in the building, Percentage of non-residential buildings). In addition to the distance Indicator and education Indicators health. Chapter II discussed the general geographical features of the rural–urban continuum of beni-suef city, which included the natural features, the area of the study area, location and spatial relationships, and the natural characteristics of the site, as well as the human features were represented in Irrigation and drainage networks, the road and transport network, study of settlement growth features during the period from (1993 : 2023), patterns of growth, and shedding light on the future of settlement growth . Chapter III presents a study of the population in the villages of the rural–urban continuum of beni-suef city, which included the population growth, through development of population size, development of population growth rates, and immigration, also the study of the distribution and density of the population and the geographical assessment of the distribution and density of these populations, in addition to the composition of the population in terms of sex and age structure, economic activity, as well as the educational and marital status, also studies the future of the population in the concerned villages by comparing three possibilities with clarifying the most likely ones . Chapter IV was concerned with the study of rural settlements centers in the study area, which included The geographical distribution was studied starting from their historical and administrative development, hierarchy of rural settlements centers and their density, the average spacing, also studying spatial analysis centers in terms of analyzing pattern of spatial distributions and analyzing of spatial geographical distributions, in addition to classifying rural settlements centers depending on several indicators such as the external form, central and marginal, settlement agglomeration coefficient, weighted average of area, average buildings number, Average building density, and average number of population. Chapter V presented the characteristics of the dwelling in the study area, where it discussed the dwelling patterns, which were represented by old rural dwellings and modern urban dwellings, also the factors affecting the style of the dwelling, which were represented by natural, human, social and civilized factors, in addition to the morphology of the dwelling in terms of the virtual elements of the dwelling, structural and structural interior elements of the dwelling. Chapter VI was devoted to studying the problems suffered by the villages of the study area and the development evaluation, problems are discussed like the settlement, housing, infrastructure problems, and environmental and administrative problems, then the development evaluation of those villages was made through the hierarchical cluster analysis, then the classification of villages according to the degree of crisis and development priorities, with a set of some mechanisms to deal with the aforementioned problems. Finally, the study ended with a conclusion and a presentation of the most important results of the study that concluded and the most important recommendations, as well as appendices and a list of references for that study.

PHD Title


PHD Abstract


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