Ehab Abdel Fattah Ahmed Sayed Ahmed

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Basic Informations


Personal Information:  

Full name: ehab Abd elFatah Ahmed Sad Ahmed
Scientific Section: Arabic language. Faculty: Arts.
Gender: Male. Egyptian nationality.
Religion Muslim. Date of Birth: 03/26/1981 m.
Place of birth: Beni Suef province - the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Present address: 31, Fatima Zahra El Zohour neighborhood - Beni Suef governorate.
Marital status: Married. Phone Housing:No.082339418
Office Phone number: 0020822328857 work number Fax: 0020822328857
email address:
Mobile number: 0020119140302
Scientific graduate certificates
The date of the certificate obtained the university's main specialization appreciation cushions
PhD 05/20/2015 Beni Suef Arabic first degree honor
Entitled: "The receipt of the poetic text in Arabic rhetoric from the fourth century until the seventh century."
Master 03.11.2009 M Beni Suef Arabic Excellent
Entitled: "The theory of imagination in the ancient Arabian Monetary"
Pre-Masters 2004 University of Beni Suef Arabic rhetoric and criticism patients
Excellent bachelor May 2002 University of Beni Suef Arabic language is very good with honor
M Position Scientific Section University College work history
1 Arabic language teacher assistant Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef 06/20/2009 m
2 Lecturer of Arabic Language Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef 12/2003 m
Administrative work
M type work workplace history
1 proofreader science journal Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef (2007 m- 2010)
2 permanent member of the college Control Commission (trading, monitoring, checking petitions), overseeing the transfer of control works for the shape-mail process. Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef (2004 -2010)
3 Member of the Committee for accreditation and quality Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef (2009 m- 2010) scientific conferences
One member of the committee to print the book in the "Arab Heritage Conference new reading" Faculty of Arts, Cairo University Branch Beni Suef Faculty of Arts - Cairo University Branch Beni Suef in the period of 6-7 / 4/2005
2 Member of the Committee Technical Secretariat at the conference "Readings postmodern" Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef Branch Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef in the period from 29-30 / 4 / 2006G
3 Member of the Committee on Technical Secretariat in the conference, "Egypt and the countries of the Mediterranean basin historical roots" Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef in the period of 2-4 / 4/2009
4 Member of the Committee Technical Secretariat at the conference "cash revisions in the humanities," Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef in the period from 14-15 / 4/2009
5 members of the jury in the third Cultural Forum for students of Egyptian universities, "the revival of our language beautiful" Assiut University, Assiut University in the period from 24-27 / 3/2010
6 Member of the Committee print the book in the "popular heritage" Conference Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef in the period from 17 to 03/19/2010 AD
7 Member of the Commission print the book in the "activation of cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean society" Conference Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef in the period Mn23- 03/24/2010 m
8 attend the conference, "Egypt and Turkey and to achieve stability in the Middle East," the Middle East and Future Studies Research Center at the University of Ain Shams, Ain Shams University in 05/18/2010 AD
9 Turkish participation in the "Culture and Middle East Studies" in Ankara, Turkey and the Arab Conference on Social Sciences Osman Gazi University Baskchehr, Turkey from 10 to 12 December 2010 m
10 Istanbul to participate in the first international conference to stop the altruism "culture change" Turkey Centre for Islamic Religious Studies Turkish to stop in the period from November 3 to 4 2012 m
Scientific sessions
First: English language course:
M level, place of study completion date of the study, the total scores
1. TOEFL = TOEFL test Ain Shams University 01.28.2008 AD 550 degrees
Second: Greek language course:
M level, place of study completion date of the study estimate
2. University U Annina Greece university scholarships 09.25.2009 M. Hassan
Third, the capacity of faculty development courses:
M program venue duration of the program
1 the use of technology in the development of teaching faculty leaders at the University of Beni Suef 3/8 to 6/8/2006 members of the project
2 methods of scientific research project Faculty and Leadership at the University of Beni Suef members of the development of 18/7 to 22/7/2006
3 Effective Presentation Skills Project faculty leaders and members at the University of Beni Suef development 27/6 to 29/6/2006
4 thinking skills of faculty leaders and members of the Beni Suef University Development Project 24/6 to 26/6/2006
5 time management and work pressure project faculty leaders and members at the University of Beni Suef development 20/6 to 22/6/2006
6 decision-making and problem-solving capabilities of faculty development and leadership at the University of Beni Suef 6/6 to 8/6/2006 members of the project
7 development of effective communication skills, project development capabilities of faculty leaders at the University of Beni Suef members 27/5 to 29/5/2006
8 university teacher preparation cycle Beni Suef University Unit university teacher preparation 21/6 to 26/8/2007 AD
9 Cycle Computer "TOT Course: windows, word, excel, access, project, power point, internet safety and security, new features office2007, internet and msn live" Beni Suef University 10/31/2009 to 01/06/2010 AD
10 ICDL cycle: basic concepts of it, computer and managing files, word processing, spread sheets, data base, presentation, information and communication "Beni Suef University 30/9: 12/27/2010 AD
11 quality standards in the teaching process
Intensive course project development capabilities of faculty leaders at the University of Beni Suef members 21/10 to 10/22/2012 AD
12 competitive project management for research funding
Intensive course project development capabilities of faculty leaders at the University of Beni Suef 25/11 members to 11/26/2012 AD
13 Undergraduate Management
Intensive course project faculty leaders and members at the University of Beni Suef 4.5 / 5/2014 development
14 ethics of scientific research project Faculty and Leadership at the University of Beni Suef, 26, 5/27/2015 members of the development of AD

Master Title

Theory imagination unfounded Farabi since substantial impact on the evolution of the monetary vision in Arabic literature

Master Abstract

It is known that imagination philosophical term taken from Plato and Aristotle from Mbageshma in psychology, and their conversation about the relationship between imagination to feel and think, Valtejel when Plato draws in self semiconductor perceived sense of things, and when Aristotle makes the owner was able to do and get excited a large number of Alofal.okan overall views philosophers of Islam in the imagination does not come out for this perception, he pointed Farabi to impact the psychological and value in rationalizing the behavior, while Ibn Sina decided to imagination emotion bow to him self in compliance consequent Anbassatha to things, and contraction as other non-deliberately and think and choose, but Ibn Rushd under control, meditate and remember, if not one of them not the other. The first appearance of the term imagination in the rhetorical research was at the hands of Abdul omnipotent Jerjani who talked about openly in his book Secrets of rhetoric, and intended to illusion and deception, as it proves the poet is he is already fixed, and claims suit no way to collect, say word con the same and show her what not see, and while Abdul omnipotent refuse entry metaphor in such imagination, because they are many in the Koran, we find Zamakhshari sees in imagination help you understand Almstbhatt in the Scriptures, and the words of the prophets Thus open Zamakhshari door anyone who has suffered from the commentators, in order to use their imagination in many meanings of the Koran, and was among those who influenced him of the commentators; oval in (lights download), and Abu Saud in (the guidance of sound mind), and al-Alusi in (the spirit of the meanings), and Al Qasimi in (the pros interpretation), and other old and modern commentators, however, they violated Zamakhshari in Aatzalyate, and carried the words of the Koran on the origin apparently, intending to do so eloquent statement of the Koran, and the strength of his style.  Then passes imagination stage is where Palanhsar, where limited in comparison Altejeala and metaphor Altejealah by Alskaki, and Razi, the Caspian, and the son of the ether which he linked to photography, but with the late seventeenth century represented a firm Alqirtagni find imagination principle cash rhetorical stable, by a firm in the exactitude of the it is an emotional process caused by the poet in the same recipient for his work poetic, so "that is the listener of the word poet Almekhel or sense or his style and system, and based on his imagination image or images get excited for the imaginable and unimaginable, or imagine anything else out edgy is leisurely to the point of extroversion or crunch ". The last thing the outgrowth of imagination in the old Arab rhetorical thought, is what it was at the upper and Sijilmassi, where he settled the term independent of the color indicates the apparent meaning to the word on the meaning of, and to be others on hand, filming, and falls beneath analogy, and metaphor, and similar, and Metaphor.

PHD Title

Receiving poetic text in Arabic Rhetoric From the fourth century until the seventh century AH

PHD Abstract

Receiving poetic text in Arabic Rhetoric From the fourth century until the seventh century AH Almost exclusively modern cash approaches that leaned upon movement of cash in three problematic successive changes consecutive represent aesthetic journey in orientation to receive literary discourse; it is the problem of the author, represented by historical criticism, and psychological, and social action, then the problem of the text embodied in structuralism, deconstruction, semiotics and stylistic, and finally the problem of the reader or receiver, where the reception theory in the seventies of the twentieth century, and the perspective of this theory they care about the recipient as an effective element in the process of literary communication, and recognizes the value of creative work through the active participation of communication between the author and the text, the reader. The relationship between self-recipient and text Received evolved into what might be called Baltgay product; according to the horizon of expectation that comes with the realization deleted from the context, or what it should be, and this horizon has formed successively to stock quality experience of the receiver, has make it the text itself by virtue of the policy that governs built, and in both cases the recipient a positive role in check text; and turn to this methodology, the reception theory allows the reader to act meanings of texts, open up plenty of room for diversity in interpretation and explanation. It reflects on the creative track actor in Arabic rhetoric considers that the dimensions of this theory has been clearly demonstrated in the traditional texts Tnzira and application, coupled of purpose rhetorical goal of matching speech case may be, in accordance with the nature of the creative work which is subject to pose to the elements of the monetary structure and highlighted; creator , text, and Almtgay.olon rhetorical structure of the text mating between the elements of common sense and reason to establish a predicate relationship moves from direct significance to the College signified script; therefore, receive text perspective rhetorical example and potential construction of generating new formats of the language beyond the monetary provisions nature philosophical to appeal to Formulas unique in the representation of the meaning of the measurement chart image rhetorical judge included by one meaning in different ways light; Value is rhetorical situated in the receiver variable stylistic receives in kind rhetorical one power Maizh to varying poets in tightening workmanship and the ability of obstetric; may need to be him aware of the cognitive linguistic a dictionary, Remember compositions and directing levels of the implications to determine the rhetorical image enhanced by the evidence, and supplies the

All rights reserved ©Ehab Abdel Fattah Ahmed Sayed Ahmed