Mohamed Mohamed Abd Allah Abd El Wahab

Assistant Lecturer

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An M.A Degree in arts from the department of Geography and Geographical Information systems.     2015

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Master Title

Climate and its Effect on Reference Evapotranspiration in Egypt

Master Abstract

Beni-Suef University Department of Geography Faculty of Arts and Geographical Information Systems. Climate and its Effect on Reference Evapotranspiration in Egypt A thesis introduced for an M.A Degree in arts from the department of Geography and Geographical Information systems. Prepared by the student Mohammed Mohammed Abd-Allah Abd El-Wahab Supervised by Prof.Dr/ Mohammed Fawzy Ahmed Atta A Professor of Physiography and Maps Head of Geography Department Deputy of the Faculty of Arts Beni-Suef University Prof/ Kamal El-din Youssef Mohammed Gaafer General Meteorological Organisation An expert agricultural meteorologist Beni-Suef 2015 AD – 1437 Hijri Summary This research consists of an introduction and seven chapters, followed by the conclusion, and references. The Introduction: includes the place of the study, the reasons for choosing it and the required targets. Then it shows a presentation of the previous studies sticking to the subject of this study. Also, it shows the stages of the study. Finally, it shows the methods and procedures used in the study. Chapter One: shows the geographical factors which affect reference evapotranspiration in Egypt. These factors include the astrological and geographical location, atmospheric depressions, and distribution of land, water, relief, air pressure and finally air masses. Chapter Two: shows the effect of solar radiation on evapotranspiration in Egypt, the effect of quantity of solar energy and the number of the actual sunshine on the amount of all months and seasons. It also shows the correlation between the amount of evapotranspiration and the quantity of radiation and the number of the actual sunshine. Chapter Three: shows the temperature and its effects on evapotranspiration in Egypt as well as the effect of minimum and maximum temperature on reference evapotranspiration along all months and seasons. It also shows the correlation between minimum and maximum temperature and the amount of evapotranspiration. Chapter Four: shows the speed of winds and its effect on evapotranspiration in Egypt. It also shows the effect of the speed of winds on reference evapotranspiration along all months and seasons. Besides, it shows the correlation between the speed of winds and the amount of evapotranspiration. Chapter Five: This is devoted to the study of relative humidity and its effect on evapotranspiration in Egypt. It shows the effect of the quantity of relative humidity along all months and seasons. In addition, it shows the correlation between quantity of relative humidity and the amount of evapotranspiration. Chapter Six: is devoted to the study of the results of equations of reference evapotranspiration. It presents the equation of Banman Monteth FAO, the improved equation of Banman Monteth which is modified on Egypt by Gaafar, the equation of calculating the amount of evapotranspiration from Class A Pan. The quantity of evapotranspiration has been calculated in these ways. The monthly, seasonal, annual distribution of the quantity of reference evapotranspiration is shown in these ways. It also shows the reasons for the difference in the quantity of evapotranspiration in these ways, and decides on the most appropriate one for Egypt. Chapter Seven: shows the climate and its effect on the water consumption of crops in Egypt, application on some crops. And shows some concepts related to water consumption, the factors of crops and the time of planting and harvesting some crops. It also shows how to calculate the amount of water consumption of wheat, cotton, corn, Egyptian clover and finally sugar cane. It decides on the most appropriate agricultural regions in Egypt according to its climatic features and the most appropriate crops that improve its quality according to the quantity of its water consumption. Then the conclusion, results and the recommendations reached attachments and finally the list of references.

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