Basic Informations


First: personal data
Name: Hussam Jaber Ahmed Saleh
Egyptian nationality
Date of Birth: 01/08/1969
Marital Status: Married - and counting
Address: Arab Republic of Egypt. Bani Sweif. Unity Street Arabahkhalaf
Military police
Job Title: Faculty of Arts - Department of Sociology - University of Beni Suef
) Bani Sweif (
Career Title current: Saudi Arabia - King Faisal University -
Deanship of e-learning and distance education
Egypt Tel: 0822212044-00201280337755 -
Saudi Arabia: 0506074035
Second, the scientific and academic history
- Bachelor of Literature in the Department of Sociology in 1990 Cairo University branch
Bani Sweif
- Master of Arts in the Department of Sociology in 1997) Distinction (Faculty of
Arts, Cairo University Branch Beni Suef - socialization institutions under Title
And the problem of violence among young people) S Rissah a field of a sample of young people in the university city
Bani Sweif (
- Acanuto of Rh in the Arts Department of Sociology in 2004) honors the Crown (
Faculty of Arts of the University of speech Rh Beni Suef Branch - under the title of urbanization problems
D) a Rissah's impact on urban communities and the mechanism in the town of Beni Suef (
Third, job history
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts - Department of Alajtmaa- University speech Rh - Beni Suef Branch 1990
- Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Department of Sociology - University speech Rh - Branch
It will be built in 1997
- Teacher) Lecturer (Faculty of Arts - Department of Sociology - University speech Rh- Branch
Beni Suef 2004
- Lecturer at the University of section 7 October to Libya Alajtmaa-) sucking a dysarthria (Period
From 2006 to 2011
- Currently: Assistant professor at King Faisal University - Deanship of e-learning and education
Fourth: training courses obtained
1 - Take a role to take a year of rate and problem solving) Development Project has a rate Staff
Teaching and Leadership FLDP (Beni Suef University 2006
2 - Maha rate of effective communication) Development Project has a rate faculty members and
Leaders FLDP (Beni Suef University 2006
3 - Toefl role in foreign languages ??and Specialized Translation Center University speech Rh
4 - Course Computer eligible for university teachers - College of Education - University
Speech RA) Fayoum Branch (in 2000
5 - role of university teacher preparation - preparation of university teacher Center - University speech Rh
6 - Cycle raise the efficiency of researchers in sociology and the Ntropouloggio -
Research Center and the father of a social anchored University speech Rh 1998
Fifth: courses already taught
- Urban sociology - Rural sociology
- Sociology Badawi - Social Planning and Development
- Social theories - social research methods
- Cognitive meeting - Science communication meeting
- Comparative Sociology - the history of social thought
- Science Development Meeting
- Concepts and in social terms than English
Sixth Conference of rate previously presence
1 -aalmatmr scientific IX of the Faculty of Arts Beni Suef) Science humanity and activating the role
Volunteer work institutions (from 9 to 10 April 2013 m
2 Tenth modernize Egypt from the perspective of science Humanitarian University speech-Rh - 2003
3 Tenth sociology) social knowledge in order to support the development (in 2005
4 Scientific Congress on the well towards a better future for the child sucking RI) Institute father of the Supreme anchored
Children's Ain Shams University (1993
5 Scientific Congress on the sixth - Professional Practice of Social Service in the home
Arab reality and future) Faculty of service and social Fayoum (1993
Seventh: The workshops, which has prepared and supervised:
1 - junior physiotherapists and social Resident House elderly) and a workshop for specialists
Social workers in the Red Crescent Society in Beni Suef (2005
2 - baby nursery without crying) and a workshop for administrators nurseries series
St. Mark's private schools in Beni Suef (2006
3 - call for lobbying Advocacy) workshop for professionals
Social workers in the field of community development (Affairs Directorate
Social Beni Suef in 2003
Eighth: research and working papers
1 - "The role of voluntary work in social capital development for Women: An Empirical Study on
A sample of posts in social work in Beni Suef, "Scientific Conference
Ninth Faculty of Arts in Beni Suef titled) Humanities and activating the role of labor institutions
Voluntary (in the period from April 9 to 10, 2013 m.) Jointly (
2 -) social survey of the population than the rate Alqohy sucking in a dysarthria. Libya (each a rack
Balacht a rack with professors of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts - University of 7 October 2006 -

Master Title

Instituciones de socialización abordan el problema de la violencia entre los jóvenes (estudio de campo de una muestra de los jóvenes en la ciudad universitaria de Beni Suef)

Master Abstract

The study aimed to identify the causes of the problem of violence among young people, as well as to identify the role played by socializing institutions in this regard. To answer the questions of the study and validation of hypotheses have been used Experimental curriculum. The study sample consisted of two groups of equal number of university students, where each is made up of 152 students, was also the data using the corresponding form and content analysis of documents and records collection

PHD Title

Estudio urbano del impacto de los grupos iniciales en la ciudad de Beni Suef

PHD Abstract

This study aimed to detect the relationship between urbanization and the emergence of some of the social problems associated with it in the city, as well as identify the impact of urbanization and urban family and kinship ties and neighborly relations in the city

All rights reserved ©Hussam Jaber Ahmed Saleh