heba mohammed elbadwy hamaia


Basic Informations


Biography (C.V)

Name: Heba El Badawi Mohamed Protection Heba Elbadwy Mohammed
Date of birth: 29/7/1985
Nationality: Egyptian
 Address: Salim I Street, branch of Ahmed Orabi Street, Beni Suef, Beni Suef
Phone: 01229761701
E-mail: e-mail: heba_elbadwy@yahoo.com
First degree: Bachelor of Arts Department of Philosophy
University: Beni Suef Grade: Very Good Graduation Year: 2006 Second Degree: Pre-Masters
University: Cairo Appreciation: Satisfactory Graduation Year: 2007 Third Degree: Master of Arts in a letter entitled "John Rawls Political Liberalism"
University: Beni Suef Rating: Excellent with recommendation of course at the expense of the university
Year obtained: 2011
Fourth Degree: Doctor of Arts in a thesis entitled "Michael Oakshot's Political Philosophy of Demolition to Construction" "Michael Oakeshot`s political philosophy from destruction to construction"
University: Beni Suef Grade: First Honors with recommendation to print the letter at the expense of the university and exchange with the Arab and European universities Year of obtaining: 2014
Position: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University
General Specialization: Contemporary Philosophy Specialization: Political Philosophy
 First Language: Arabic
Foreign Language: English

Master Title

Political Liberalism at John Rolls

Master Abstract

ABSTRACT The importance of this study is to reveal Rolls' views on political liberalism and to show how they reflect an important stage in his intellectual development, which he described in his book "Political Liberalism," which he wrote in 1993. We try to explore the reasons why Rolls wrote liberalism And also to talk about the most important reasons he mentioned to retreat from his previous views presented in his book The Theory of Justice, written in 1971. This study also illustrates the differences of agreement between the theory of justice and political liberalism to see whether Rolls was consistent with himself when he stated that there is a complete difference between Theory Justice and political liberalism or not? To achieve this goal, this study attempts to uncover the most fundamental ideas that Rolls has talked about in political liberalism.

PHD Title

The philosophy of Mikhail Oaxchott is political from demolition to construction

PHD Abstract

The importance of Ouakchot himself, and his multiple contributions in the field of political philosophy; trying to shed light on the most important of these contributions. This study attempts to overcome these difficulties and provide a clear view of Oaxchott's contributions to political philosophy. This study is not merely a search for these contributions, but rather a sparse and unconnected story, as is indeed the case in the political work of Oaxchott, If it is completely separate from all other works, but this study tried to adopt a major issue is read

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