Islam Mohamed Hamdi Abdelgwad

Research Assistant

Basic Informations


Personal Data
Name : Islam Mohamed Hamdi 
Date of birth : 8/ 02/ 1995
Nationality : Egyptian
Address : 315 Villa, Fourth District, New Beni-Suef City, Egypt
Mobile : +201101846290
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Master Title

Integration of Geomatics Applications to Study the Dynamics of the Heat Island of Mansoura's Urban Conurbation

Master Abstract

Summary prepared by Islam Mohamed Hamdi Abdelgwad Supervised by Ptof. Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Ata Assistant Prof.Dr. Waleed AbbasAbd-Erady Hassan Under the title of Integration of Geomatics Applications to Study the Dynamics of the Heat Island of Mansoura's Urban Conurbation The thesis came in six chapters, preceded by a general introduction to the study, followed by a conclusion, a list of references, and a summary of the thesis. The systematic arrangement was as follows: The general introduction the subject of the study, the study area, and previous studies at the Egyptian, Arab, and international levels were presented, in addition to the reasons for choosing the subject and the region, the study objectives, and the difficulties of the study. The first chapter Under the title "Tools and methods used in the study", this chapter dealt with the data used in the study, in addition to how to determine the Mansoura urban complex and its agricultural hinterland, the calculation of the coefficients used in the study, and a detailed description of the statistical analyzes used in the study. The second chapter Under the title "Morphological Characteristics of the Heat Island of the Mansoura Urban Complex", the chapter was divided into three main topics. The third chapter on "The dynamics of the diurnal heat island intensity of the Mansoura urban complex for the period 2001-2021" and was divided into two main parts, the first of which is about the general trend of the diurnal temperature of the Mansoura urban complex and its agricultural backyard, and the second about the general trend of the intensity of the diurnal surface heat island of the Mansoura urban complex. The fourth chapter Addressing "The Dynamics of the Nocturnal Surface Heat Island Intensity of the Mansoura Urban Complex for the Period 2001-2021". Likewise, the previous chapter dealt with the general trend of the nocturnal surface temperature of the Mansoura urban complex and its agricultural hinterland, in addition to studying the general trend of the nocturnal surface heat island intensity of the Mansoura urban complex. The fifth chapter Under the title "Factors Affecting the Heat Island Dynamics of the Mansoura Urban Complex", four main topics were addressed in this chapter, which are as follows: The change of ground covers in the Mansoura Urban Complex and its agricultural hinterland. The effect of ground cover on the surface temperature of the Mansoura urban complex. Heat emissions from human sources for the Mansoura urban complex. Climatic factors in Mansoura urban complex. The sixth chapter Addressing "The Future of the Thermal Island of the Mansoura Urban Complex, Some of Its Negative Effects, and Methods of Confronting Them “The future of the heat island for the Mansoura urban complex was studied, then some of the negative effects of the heat island for the residents of the Mansoura urban complex were studied, and finally some suggestions were presented in order to confront the thermal island for the Mansoura urban complex.

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

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