Eslam Nasr Salah Halfaya

Demonstrator at the Sociology Department

Basic Informations


* Name: Eslam Nasr Salah halfaya

* Address: 24 Taha Mahdawi Street, Beni Suef, in front of the mercy mosque, madrasa Al-Jazira Street, branching from Eslam Street .

* Current position: Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University

* General specialization: sociology

* Specialization: political sociology

* Language (skills): Arabic, English

* Date of birth : 29 / 9 / 1996

* Marital status: Single .

* Phone number (Egypt): 01013087622 / 01102529074

* Personal e-mail address:

* University e-mail address :

Educational qualifications:

 He received a bachelor of Arts from the Department of sociology at the Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University with a very good general grade with honors, in 2018

 The goal of obtaining a master's degree with an excellent grade of 96.75% with an average of 4 out of 4 credit hours in 2024, thesis topic : social media and political participation a field study of the political elite in Beni Suef governorate.

Master Title

Social Media and Political Participation (A Field Study of the Political Elite in Beni Suef Governorate)

Master Abstract

This study aimed to identify the relationship between the use of traditional and modern social media - as one of the means of political upbringing - and the political participation of the elite among males and females. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher conducted a descriptive study based on the social survey method by sample (objective sample), in addition to relying on the comparative method. The data required for this study was collected by using several methodological tools, namely the questionnaire sheet, observation, analysis of documents and records. The study has reached a set of results, the most important of which are:- 1- The male and female political elite prefer to use both traditional and modern social media to obtain political information, but they prefer to use modern social media to open up to the public sphere. 2-The most important public motives for the participation of the elite in political life are to work for the common good, to feel a sense of belonging to society, to achieve democracy, to ensure freedom of expression, and to work on the rule of law. 3- One of the most important special motives for the participation of the elite in political life is to gain recognition and respect, gain popularity among citizens, self-realization, influence in the decision-making process, protect private interests, and enjoy prestige power and influence autho 4 -The most important issues that the political elite cares about when they use social media are price recognition, education and scientific research, the absence of goods, health, women and their problems, public policies of the state, political and public freedoms, the exchange rate, international issues, elections, demonstrations and protests. The reasons for the elite's interest in these issues are due to several factors, the most important of which are the impact of these issues on the situation in Egypt and the Arab world, the importance of these issues on the Arab and international arena, and awareness of public opinion trends. 5-The value of the profits or rewards received by the political elite exceeds the value of the cost and suffering they bear as a result of their use of social media, which leads to keeping the elite's political participation.

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

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