Hosni Ibrahim Abdel Azim

Associate professor

Basic Informations





Marital Status: Married           Birth Date: 21/1/1967

Place of Birth: Egypt

Nationality: Egyptian                   Mobile No: 01063829291




1989    Bachelor of Arts – Sociology Department, Cairo University, Beni Suef branch

                 Very Good.

1995     MA in Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Sociology Department, Cairo University,     Beni Suef branch (Excellent)

2000    PhD Degree in Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Sociology Department, Cairo University, Beni Suef branch.


  1. The Role of Physician in Rural Community: A field Study of A sample from Beni       

Suef's Villages, M.A. degree in Sociology, Cairo University, Beni – Suef branch, 1995.

2.  Ecological Factors and Disease:  A Socio – anthropological study to liver patients,                   Ph.D. Thesis in Sociology, Cairo University, Beni – Suef branch, 2000.

3.  Body, Authority and  knowledge: An analytical study for contribution of Michele Foucault in establishment of sociology of the body.

  1. Ecological dimensions of disease: A sociological analysis of dialectic relationship between man and environment.
  2. Female Body Image in the Folk Belief: A socio – Anthropological Vision.
  3. Body, Class and Cultural capital: Reading in Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu.
  4. The Role of Voluntary Work in Developing Social Capital for the Woman.
  5. Information Literary and illness behavior: A Field Study on a Sample of Patients with Hepatitis (Virus C)
  6. Pain: A Socio – anthropological Approach.
  7. Social and symbolic dimensions of bodily practices: A sociological analysis of female circumcision.
  8. Social and cultural determinants of active aging: an anthropological study of a sample of the elderly people in Beni Suef Governorate



Feb. 2007         Time management (Beni Suef University)

May 2007         Training of trainers "TOT" (Beni Suef University)

September, 2007    Communication Skills (Beni Suef University)

March, 2016           How to Publish International Researches (Beni Suef


March, 2016           Legal and Financial Aspects in Universities (Beni Suef



Sep 1989 - 1995   Demonstrator at the Faculty of Arts Sociology Department, Cairo University, Beni Suef branch.

 1995 – 2001  Assistant lecturer of sociology at the Faculty of Arts, Sociology Department, Cairo University, Beni Suef branch

2001 – 2005  lecturer of sociology at the Faculty of Arts, Sociology Department, Cairo University, Beni Suef branch.

2005 – 2016 lecturer of sociology, Sociology Department at the Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University.

2016   Assistant professor of sociology, Sociology Department at the Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University.




  • Good  command of both written and spoken English
  • Good at meeting deadlines
  • Ability to work individually as well as a cooperative team member
    • Ability to work under stress


  • ICDL Certificate (International Computer Driving Licence)

Master Title

The Role of Physician in Rural Community

Master Abstract

Hosni Ibrahim Abdelazeem, The Role of Physician in Rural Community: A field Study of A sample from Beni Suef's Villages, M.A. degree in Sociology, Cairo University, Beni – Suef branch, 1995. Abstract: The role of the physician is considered one of the most important roles within the formal medical system, as well as an indicator of the success of health care programs in any society. The physician role is affected by group of related factors, both social and cultural, that are predominant in the society or the medical system. Consequently, the study aims at achieving two important goals. First, to provide an integral sociological analysis of the physician's role within the rural community, to be able to understand the nature of this role scientifically, and to identify the actual performance of such role in this community. Second, to reveal obstacles - whether related to the physician or to the cultural and social structure of the rural community - that hinders its proper performance. The study has depended mainly on the symbolic interactionism and role theory; consequently, the hypotheses of the study are derived from those two theories. The researcher has applied the social survey method in two ways, the comprehensive survey, which includes all doctors who work in rural health institutions in Beni Suef governorate. The other way is the sample, where the researcher has chosen a random sample of the users of the folk healer and the health unit of (Alfant) village, Fashn district. The researcher has used two questionnaires, one for doctors, and other for patients. The physician's sample included 106 physicians, whereas the patients was 110 cases, includes 60 of users of folk healer and 50 of health units patients. Both samples represent 5% of the users of the folk healer and health unit. The study has proven that the following hypotheses are true; 1- The level of medical education is related to the physician performance of his role in the village. 2- The social values of doctors influence on performance of their role in the village. 3- The social origins of a physician affect on his sharing in initiating a social change in the village. 4- The villagers' education level influences on the physician performance of his role in the village. 5- Some rural traditions and customs affects the performance of the physician's role in the village. 6- The folk medical practices influence on the physician's role in the village. The study proved that the following hypothesis is false: The attitude of the physician towards his work in the rural community affects on performance of the his role in this community.

PHD Title

Ecological Factors and Disease

PHD Abstract

Hosni Ibrahim Abdelazeem, Ecological Factors and Disease: A Socio – anthropological study to liver patients, Ph.D. Thesis in Sociology, Cairo University, Beni – Suef branch, 2000. Hepatitis is considered one of the most dangerous hygienic problems in the Egyptian society. All evidences refer to the remarkable increase of the rate of spreading this disease in the last few years. The research is mainly intended to recognize to what extent the environmental, physical, cultural and social factors affect the incidence of Hepatitis. The research also aims at pursuing the influence of the disease on the social and economic relationships within the family. Furthermore, the researcher in this dissertation is intent on tracing the different patterns of response to the disease. The researcher in this thesis has depended on three main perspectives; the ecological, cultural and the social one. Moreover, the researcher has greatly benefited from the issues of medical perspective in understanding the medical sides of Hepatitis. In addition, the researcher has relied on the social survey through the sample, case study method, and the anthropological method. It is worth noting that the research has come to the conclusion that the cultural environment with its different influences represents the decisive and significant factor in the spreading of hepatitis. It also shows that the cultural environment includes the physical environment within itself and exceeds it, namely the physical environment is considered the direct range of the disease, whereas the cultural environment represents the largest and deepest range of the incidence of Hepatitis. Furthermore, the research uncovers the fact about the profound impacts of Hepatitis on the pattern of social relationships of the patient. The research also refers to the usage of many and multi kinds of treatment in facing the disease, such as Domestic treatment, formal treatment, and folk medicine.

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