Noha sayed farage hassen

Assistant Lecturer

Rural Transport in Beni Suef Governorate "study in geogrephy of transport"

Research Abstract

Rural Transport in Beni- Suef Governorate " Study in Geography of Transport " ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ This study dealt with the subject of "rural transport in Beni - Suef Governorate" and is divided into five chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion. The first chapter dealt with the study of the natural and human geographical factors affecting the rural transport in the governorate. The natural factors included the geographical location and its spatial relationship; as the governorate is characterized by an excellent location that is regarded as the link between the Greater Cairo region and the governorates of southern Upper Egypt, the study of the geological structure of the governorate, the surface features, and finally the study of the elements Climate, where heat is considered one of the most important climate elements affecting the rural road network in the governorate, and the study of irrigation and drainage network and its impact on the road network in the governorate. As for the human factors, they were represented in the distribution of rural population and urban centers; owing to the fact that There is a strong direct correlation between the population distribution, urban centers, and the and construction of road networks, the study of economic activity in terms of agricultural and industrial activity, and finally rural markets. The second chapter aimed to study the distribution of the rural road network in the governorate. It initially dealt with the study of the paved and dirt rural road network in terms of distribution, and classification, which included the administrative classification of roads according to their degrees, number of lanes, surface type and functional classification of roads. It also dealt with the study of the railway network in the governorate in terms of its classification and the distribution of the lengths of railways in the countryside, whose lengths reached (81.5) km., and in urban areas, their lengths were (14.1) km. Finally, the chapter shed light upon the water transport in the governorate by the Nile River and Ibrahimia canal, in terms of the distribution of ferries within the governorate and their role in serving the movement of transport, and the distribution of riverine units. The third chapter was concerned with studying the quantitative analysis of the transport network, where it initially dealt with the study of the quantitative analysis of the paved and dirt road network through several indicators, namely networking indicators, network density and efficiency, accessibility indicators, network spread coefficient, and equal distance ranges. The study concluded that the governorate is served by a good network of paved and dirt roads, and finally the study of analyzing the railway network in the governorate through several indicators, the most important of which are the turn indicator, the diameter of the network, and the accessibility between the network nodes. The study found that the railway network in the governorate is relatively weak. The fourth chapter was concerned with studying the distribution of means of transportation in the governorate and their movements on the road network, where it initially dealt with the distribution of licensed means of transport in the governorate. Furthermore, the chapter shed light upon the routes of internal and external passenger vehicles, their distribution and transportation capacity. It also dealt with the study of vehicle movement on the main and local rural road network. in terms of their classification and distribution. In addition, the governorate’s roads differed in terms of traffic volumes, where there are roads with high traffic, others with medium traffic, and a third with low traffic. The student also dealt with the study of the quantitative analysis of the movement of vehicles on the roads, through several indicators, the most important of which are the level of efficiency of the road network, the density of traffic and the equal time ranges.. Finally, the chapter dealt with the study of railway transport and its quantitative analysis. The number of train passengers in the governorate reached (6.9) million and transported (119) thousand tons of goods. The fifth chapter reviewed the daily trip of the population in the governorate and the most important problems they face; where the chapter dealt with the daily trip for vehicle and railway passengers with regard ro the passengers’ characteristics such as gender composition, age, average monthly income and job, and the trip characteristics as the goal and destination of the trip and its purpose, the means used and its cost, the time of the trip and the number of days of travel and the busiest days. Finally , the chapter discussed the most important problems facing passengers, some of which are related to the network, and some are related to the mobile means of transportation on this network, and problems related to traffic on the network, with a review of some proposals to solve them. As for the conclusion, it presented the most important findings and recommendations of the study, the most important of which is the detection of many problems that the rural transport system suffers from in Beni Suef Governorate, including the poor condition of road paving and parallel roads for canals and drains, the deterioration of hire vehicles working on the internal routes in the governorate and their low numbers, in addition to the poor condition of ferries transporting passengers between the two banks of the river . To overcome these problems, the study came out with several proposals, the most important of which is to pay attention to the maintenance of roads on a regular basis, cleaning the sides of canals and drains from the remnants of their disinfection; providing on the transport lines, especially the lines that suffer from means of the public transportation the intensity of movement, increasing the control of river ferries and providing them with safety means.

Research Keywords

Rural Transport in Beni Suef Governorate "study in geogrephy of transport"

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