nourah sayed abolmagd mohamad


"Acting Particles of Meanings in Sunan Al-Tirmidhi:ASyntactic,Semantic Study"

Research Abstract

Abstract This study, entitled Operative Particles of Meaning in Sunan al-Tirmidhi: A Syntactic, Semantic Study, attempts to uncover the effect of operative particles of meaning when joining sentences and structures in terms of syntactic relations among different parts of these sentences and structures. The study also intends to identify the resulting syntactic and semantic effect of operative particles of meaning on sentence elements and structures through expanding the uses of such particles according to their semantic abilities and the syntactic patterns they can generate. The study falls in two parts of two each of two chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion, with the most significant findings, and a bibliography. The introduction provides both a conceptual and linguistic definition for the particle and explains the operational effect of particles and the heated controversy among grammarians regarding operative and non-operative particles. Part I focuses on the syntactic patterns of operative particles of meaning. It is divided into two chapters. The first chapter investigates operative nawasikh (converters to accusatives) particles in nominal sentences. The second chapter, then, explores operating particles in both verbs and nouns. Part II deals with the syntactic and semantic features of operative particles. This part has two chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the syntactic features while the second chapter handles the semantic ones. The conclusion provides the most significant findings of the study.

Research Keywords

Semantic ,Syntactic,Sunan al-Tirmidhi:,Particles

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