Birth Date:11/1/1994
Phone No:01151937753
Address:Beni Suef Governorate
Performances and rhyme
The Conclusion covers the most important results, some of which are that Al-Zafaat and Al-Elaal in Al-Baroudi’s works are not related to a certain purpose or meaning. Al-Baroudi has used poetic necessities, Al-Tadweer, Al-Tadmeen, leonine rhyme (Al-Tasree), repeated leonine rhyme (Al-Tasree Al-Mustanaaf) and rhyme (Al-Tarsee) for purposes other than reinforcing the general rhythm of the poem, such as expressing certain meanings. Looking at the poetic meters that Al-Baroudi has used, we find that he followed the same ones that the ancient poets used, and looking at his usage of the alphabet as a narration, we find that he is consistent with the Arabic poetry in general…
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