. Mahrous Mohammed Ibrahim Ali

?Assestent Profisor



  • Birth Date:9/8/1975

  • Phone No:01023734097

  • E-mail:mahrous.ali@art.bsu.edu.eg

  • Address:bani sauf




Morphological structure and its impact on the change of significance applied study on reading Imam Asim)

Summary of doctoral thesis Morphological Structure and its impact on the Change of Semantics': applied study on reading Imam Asim . Dr . Mahrous Mohammed Ibrahim Doctor of Arts degree in Linguistics, Beni Suef University 2000 * * * This study comes answer and address of the study and a researcher for a set of scientific hypotheses put forward by the nature of the subject, namely: * What is the Morphological Structure formula have the meanings mentioned by grammarians for each format? * Saying: that the increase in the building had to be increased meaning. ^ That the reverse of the floor structure to structure affects the functional meaning of the word. * The difference in readings in the floor structure has a significant impact on the different explanatory and different idiosyncratic rule learned from Koranic verses. The answers to the researcher and the handling of these scientific hypotheses came witness or denied, through his study of several sections, namely: Part I: structure and its relationship to the significance Bgosaih Part II: the intention and its impact on the change in the significance of Imam Asim Reading


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