Sayed Ramadan Sayed

Faculty member

Basic Informations


Name: Sayed Ramadan Sayed Abd el-Aal

Job: Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts - Beni Suef  University

Degree: Doctorate   

 Nationality: Egyptian

 Marital status: Married

 Date of birth: 3rd of September 1981


Address: Mankareesh Village - Beni Suef – Egypt


 Mob: 01006974642





General Specialization:  Human Geography

Specific Specialization:  Economic Geography.


Qualifications :

1-Licentiate of Arts – Geography Department – very good with an honor

Faculty of Arts – Cairo UniversityBeni Suef Branch.

2- Master Degree in Arts – Geography Department  - Faculty of Arts – Beni Suef University – Excellent – 20-1-2008.

3- Philosophy of Doctorate in Arts- Geography Department - Faculty of Arts – Beni Suef University – First Honors - 18-10-2010 .



1-Demonstrator at the Faculty of Arts – Cairo UniversityBeni Suef Branch

From 17-4-2003.

2-Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts- Beni Suef University From 3-3-2008.

3-Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts- Beni Suef University From 28 -12- 2010.

Master Title

Industrial Activity in Al-Fayoum

Master Abstract

Industry is a main base for countries economic structure. It is a highly important means for social and economic development, for it helps push forward the development process in different economic sectors. In addition, it helps improving living standards and absorb a great portion of unemployment through offering work opportunities. Based on previous research done on industrial geography, Al-Fayoum Governorate demands an analytic study from an industrial geographical perspective to identify its industrial helping factors and to suggest a future vision for developing its industrial activities. Therefore, the present study entitled industrial activity in Al-Fayoum Governorate: A study in Economic geography is intended to bridge this gap. The study includes five chapters preceded with an introduction, table of contents, and the necessary charts and figures; and followed with a conclusion, appendices, and bibliography. The introduction provides a rationale for the topic, the objective of the study, the approaches used by the researcher, review of the literature, and administrative division development in the Governorate. Chapter I presents a historical background for industrial development in Al-Fayoum during different periods of time starting from the stone age until the end of the 19th century, and the development of industrial establishments and its workers in the period between 1907 and 1996. Chapter II investigates the geographical helping factors of industrial activity that have resulted in localizing the current industrial activities and may, in the future, help increase this industrial localization in the Governorate. Among these factors are raw materials especially the agricultural, energy resources, hand labours, transportation, marketing, water resources, and governmental policies. Chapter III handles the geographical distribution of industry from different perspectives to help provide a clear picture for the industrial activity in the governorate. Therefore, the geographical distribution of the different industrial activities, industries distribution all over the Governorate, geographical distribution of industrial institutions magnitude, and industrial quantitative analyses are discussed. The chapter, also, presents a detailed study of the industrial area in Quom Osheem due to its industrial importance in the governorate. Chapter IV examines the Governorate overall industrial structure in an attempt to identify its basic industries through presenting the overall frame of industrial distribution in the different industrial sectors. The chapter, then, provides a detailed discussion for the important, basic industries to identify the areas of its concentration and reasons behind this concentration in such areas. Among these industries are food, building materials, and textile industries. Moreover, small industries in the Governorate are discussed. Chapter V deals with the industrial development in the governorate through pointing out the importance of industry in the Governorate and the Governorate industrial position among the other Upper Egyptian governorate. In addition, the chapter sheds some light on the relationship between industry and human development in the Governorate. Moreover, problems resulting from industrial activities, industrial development obstacles, and industrial expansion plans are studied. The researcher, then, gives some suggestions concerning the industries that should be established in accordance with the Governorate own capabilities. The conclusion includes the results and suggestions of the study.

PHD Title

Paper Industry In Egypt

PHD Abstract

Abstract Paper Industry in Egypt A Study in Economic Geography Paper Industry is one of the strategic industries, because of its relation with many sectors in the state. It involves different aspects of life, especially which relates to the Man’s needs, welfare, and civilization. The paper become an essential element and developing of the machines to produce paper is responsible for the increase rates of education levels. This industry has an outstanding developing in Egypt concerning the kind and the form of the product .This was related to the developing of machines used in this industry . Due to the importance of this industry in Egypt, this requires an accurate analytic study of this industry in the aspect of economical geography. The thesis includes six chapters preluded with an introduction, contents, appendixes, followed by list of references, The introduction includes defining paper industry and the development of the administrative division of Egypt (the area of the study), it shows the reasons of choosing this subject (topic), its objectives, the inquires of the study, and the methods of research used in this study. Besides, exposing to the previous studies and showing the difficulties which the researcher face in fulfilling the study. Chapter I handles the development of the industry of paper in Egypt which it is divided into three phases; the first one handles the development of this industry before the 19th century, starting from the age of pharaohs to the French campaign against Egypt, the second one handles this study in the 19th century, while the third period handles the development of this industry since the beginning of the 20th century till the date of preparing this study (2008 A.D) Chapter II deals with the geographical distribution of this industry all over the governorates of Egypt, and shows the relative importance of this industry in these governorates, and the study of the distribution of this industry on the level of the owners of this industry. Chapter III deals with the study of factors that affect the settlement of the paper industry in Egypt which represent in the raw materials, markets, transport, the sources of energy, laborers and the resources of water In addition to effect of the capital and the governmental policies on the Paper Industry in Egypt . Chapter IV shows characteristics of paper industry in Egypt throw studying Size of industry , Location Quotient, Index of concentration, Industrial Intensity, Coefficient of industrial specialization, Besides quantitum structure of paper factories . Chapter V deals with the economic importance of the paper industry in Egypt, this is throw knowing the position of this industry among the other Egyptian industries and its position for the other countries, especially the Arab countries, it studies the local production of this industry and the external trade as it was exposed to exporting and importing to recognize the features of the commercial scale of this industry, the consuming of paper in Egypt and the individual’s share of the paper’s consumption in Egypt. Chapter VI studies development of the paper industry in Egypt through the study of the positive effects of the paper and Pulp either the economical effects or the environment, it shows the passive effect of this industry through pollutants resulted from it. The researcher studies the problems which face the development of this industry in Egypt and a future planning of this industry. The conclusion shows the important results of this study and some suggested recommendations that could help the raise and help the developing of paper industry in Egypt .

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