Amira Hamdy Hussein Mohammed

assistant teacher

Basic Informations



Master Title

Education and the problem of intolerance among young people, a field study of a sample of young people at Beni Suef University

Master Abstract

The study aims in general to recognize the role of the Social Fund for development in bringing about the changes and directed the intended aim of the development of rural women, and to identify the motives of the development of these women, and obstacles facing the development. This is in addition to the identification of the effects or consequences of the development of rural women in all aspects of social, economic and cultural. .The researcher will depend in this study on the use of social survey method through comprehensive inventory, where it is an inventory of all rural women, women with financial support from the Social Fund for Development. It also will depend on the comparative method will be the comparison between the women beneficiaries of the Social development Fund with other women who are not beneficiaries of the fund. The researcher will depend also acted to form the interview as a key tool for the collection of data required by the study, due to the spread of illiteracy among rural women under study. This is in addition to the adoption of the researcher to use the style of analysis of documents and records, which are getting a lot of data required for the study by analyzing data in the Social development Fund. Study consists of two main sections Including seven main chapters, the first section which represents the theoretical part of the study, consists of three chapters: the first chapter reveals the objectives of the study and its main concepts, the second chapter handles the theoretical frameworks of development, and the third chapter which includes the previous studies that handle the Social Fund for Development. The second section is the plan and results of the field study and contain four chapters, Chapter IV: Plan of the field study and Chapter V is the role of the Social Development Fund in the development of rural women. The sixth chapter is motivated the development of rural women and constraints. Chapter VII is the outcome of the development of rural women and their effects.

PHD Title

The Social Fund for Development and its role in the development of rural women A field study of a sample of rural women in Beni Suef Governorate

PHD Abstract

The present study investigates rural women’s motivations to establish funded projects. It also sheds light on value loans provided by the social fund for development, the type of projects carried out by those rural women in and their objectives, effectiveness of the social fund in the development of rural women, in addition to the most critical obstacles that reduce the effectiveness of the social fund in the development of those rural women. To achieve study objectives, answer study questions, and verify hypothesis validity; the researcher relies on a number of approaches like the social survey (case study samples), comparative approach, and study case approach. Moreover, the researcher relies on a considerable number of approaches for collecting the needed data of this study represented in interview form, analyzing documents and records, direct observation, and deep interviews. The current study confirms the validity of the following hypotheses: 1- Satisfaction of the basic needs of the family is considered one of the rural women’s motivations to establish funded projects from the social fund for development. 2-Rural women prefer to work in mini projects rather than working in heavy industries. 3- Projects done by rural women aim at producing more consumer goods than producing productive goods. 4- Projects carried out by rural women satisfy the needs of the local market rather than exportation. 5- Projects carried by rural women alleviate the problems of poverty and unemployment. 6- Gaining self-employment value is considered one of the cultural values that rural women acquire as a result of working in funded projects from the social fund for development. 7- Low level of both education and training is considered one of the obstacles that alleviate the effectiveness of the social fund in rural women’s development. However the study results do not approve and validate the hypnosis : “projects done and carried out by rural women do not lead to the development of economic activities in a balanced manner”.

All rights reserved ©Amira Hamdy Hussein Mohammed