mohamed ali amin

Teacher of modern literary criticism

Basic Informations


Name: Mohamed Ali Amin Mahmoud
Date of birth: 14 December 1975
Place of Birth: Fayoum Governorate, Egypt
Telephone number: 01005723137
Current Position: Lecturer of Arabic Literature and Modern Literary Criticism, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University, Egypt
General Specialization: Arabic Language and Literature
Specialization: Arabic literature and modern literary criticism

career :
Teaching Assistant, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University, 2002 - 2006
He worked as an assistant teacher in the same department, from 2006 to 2010
He has worked as a teacher in the same department since 2010

Master Title

Issues of Contemporary Literary Criticism by Abdullah Al-Ghazami

Master Abstract

The study attempts to identify the most important issues of modern literary criticism in one of the most prominent contemporary critics of the Arabs, Abdullah al-Ghazzami, who filled many researchers and scholars with his monetary contributions both theoretical and applied. From here came his critical work to study his monetary efforts and determine his role in the modern movement of criticism, where he shows in his writings the desire to employ contemporary monetary methods and understanding and benefit from it, it does not stand in a single monetary approach; sometimes engaged in issues related to Russian formality, Discuss issues related to new criticism, decomposition, etc.

PHD Title

The reader in contemporary Arab criticism

PHD Abstract

The study tries to identify the perceptions of contemporary Arab critics, through their theoretical writings, about the reader and his role towards the literary text, and the mechanisms through which he explores the depths of this text. In the light of five contemporary monetary trends, namely: the science of interpretation (Hermeneutics), psychological analysis, the stylistic trend, the trend of deconstruction, and the theory of reception and critique of the reader's response. The study also tries to determine the extent to which the contemporary Arab critic, at the applied level, has benefited from all this in his readings of the texts of literature. In all this, the researcher tries to ask more questions than he is trying to answer. He does not categorically confirm the results of his research or the end of it as much as he aspires to succeed in these results to provoke debate and debate about them.

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