Alaa Mohammadeen Hammad Abdelkadr


Educational Status of the Unemployed in Egypt Demo -geographic study

Research Abstract

Abstract Unemployment is one of the most serious problems plaguing Egypt at the present time. Indeed, unemployment arose not only due to the increasing growth of population, but also because of inadequate public services and productive assets. Imbalance education outcomes and labor market requirements made the problem to be more severe. Unemployment, as a problem, is not confined to the quantitative aspect, but also extends to the qualitative aspect of a flaw in the structure of employment in the sense that employment opportunities are commensurate with the need of seeking employment in their fields. Educational systems, and social conditions experienced by Egyptian society has contributed to the appearance and existence of this problem. The present study comes up with the result that unemployment in Egypt is primarily a problem of educated people; the unemployed owners of various qualifications are about 80% of the total unemployed persons according to the results of population census in Egypt 2006. Despite, education is one of the basic pillars of development, education in Egypt, as a companion of unemployment, is a waste of resources expended and an investment of such idle resources. The current system of the Egyptian education will only lead to more unemployment, because of the decline in the educational process that is not linked to the needs of the labor market one the one hand, and there is a big gap between education policy and employment policy on the other hand. Moreover, the current system of education focuses on number of graduates not their efficiency.

Research Keywords

Unemployed - Unemployment Rate - Labor Market - Educational Status - Egypt.

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