The Forms of the Weather Deity and its Impact in Anatolia.
Research Abstract
The assimilation of neighboring cultures in Anatolia had a
profound impact on the plurality of deities and their temples. The
people of Anatolia assigned great significance to their religion at
political and economic levels. The geographic environment played a
crucial role in shaping the perception of the weather deity, which
was closely linked to the presence of water, whether through rainfall,
storms, or underground sources. The depiction of the weather deity
in Anatolia initially followed a Sumerian model in terms of titles and
attributes. This created difficulties in identifying the name and
nature of the weather deity in Anatolia, as well as the challenge of
multiple attributes for the deity, leading to confusion as to whether
these attributes represented specific traits of the weather deity or
individual goddesses. Consequently, various distinct manifestations
of the weather deity emerged in Anatolia, including Teshub, Taru,
Nibass, Telpinu, Tarhunda, and others. These deities were portrayed
in sculptures, engravings, and royal texts that underscored the
importance of the weather deity in Anatolia.
Research Keywords
Keywords: Weather Deity, Storm Deity, Anatolia, R-eligionHittite,